Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Vintage Enid Collins Bags Featured in Flea Market Style


I was honored to have 2 of my Enid Collins Bags featured in the most recent issue of Flea Market Style, Page 15

 I got the call just as I was packing for the September 2013 Junk Bonanza.  Ki  needed a quick, last minute collectable to feature in the Spring 2014 issue.  She knew I had some of these bags and asked if I could send some pics. She picked 2 and I brought them to her in Minnesota. It was a very last minute, as they were scheduled to shoot items for the top 10, and other collections the following week in Iowa

 I've written about Collins bags before but thought I might have some new readers who might be interested in these fun vintage bejeweled bags. 
There were several makers of Jeweled bags in the 70's. Only 2 of these bags are genuine Enid Collins Bags (far left)
I believe Collins was the first and the rest were imitators.  They say "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".

The one on the left at the back was chosen for the magazine, as was another from my personal collection.  My favorite however is the Garden scene one, shown at the top of this post. 
 It's in pristine condition, and so colorful. 

The bag in the front on the right is not a genuine Collins bag. But the other two are the real deal

Artist Enid Collins, owner and designer, operated the company until 1970, when it was purchased by the Tandy Leather Corporation.
enid in studio
I'm told her Jeweled bags were carried by all the "it" girls of the day.

The bag below is not a Collins bag and was sold in kits. This one has it's original box

This horse bag is unusual in several ways.  It is a genuine Collins Bag but is not named, and does not feature the standard EC signature. Also it has a single handle attached at the sides, unlike most of her bucket bags. 
It is marked inside "Collins of Texas" .

It features several types of horses and makes fun of their names with  embellishments.  The Strawberry horse has strawberries on it, and the Quarter Horse has a little clear pouch with a quarter inside. 
This bag is not as colorful as most of her bags.

This fun peacock bag is not a Collins bag, but is a beautiful, kit bag like the one with the box above.

Enid Collins made box bags as well as the canvas bucket bags that I'm drawn to. This box purse is also NOT a Collins bag, but is a knock off. Inside it is well marked as such.

How can you tell a Genuine Enid Collins bag from a copy of knock off?    Look for the marks...

The older Enid Collins bags may have a mark like this one seen on the left. Notice the knock off on the right has no signature or logo.

Once the company was sold to Tandy in the 70's the logo was more often seen as the running horse with Collins beneath

Most genuine Collins Bags are named, and you can usually find the name on the left hand lower side of the front.


  1. I believe the horse bags pre-dated the jeweled ones.

    I remember one of my high school teachers and her sister, both very "crafty," making these type purses from kits. I distinctly remember waiting in the car while she shopped in Arnold's in Dallas (on Preston near the old Valley View mall as I recall).

    Congrats on being in the magazine!

  2. Margo, I was happy to see your feature in FMS. As an avid purse collector, I was especially happy to see the feature on the Enid Collins bags. I collect mostly beaded and mesh bags, but I do have a number of the Enid Collins wooden box bags, mostly with her early signature trademark.
    It's nice to see an interest in these bags outside of my normal purse collecting circle - thanks for sharing your informative post.

    On another note, the entire FMS issue does NOT disappoint - readers, get yours NOW! Ki's daughter's wedding details were fantastic - I've never seen Ki in anything other than flannels and t's, lol! Cover to cover - it's all great! Thanks for getting it to us so early, Margo!


  3. Hi Margo,
    I loved reading about these purses. This is definitely not an area of expertise for me so I found it so very interesting!

  4. I realize this is off topic but while your blog looks nice Cardsharing Server, it could be far better if you'll be able to use lighter colors too in the design. This will encourage a lot more scanners come to check it out more often!

  5. That's interesting. My Mom had a kit bag and I remember her making it.

  6. My mom has over 60 of these and still collecting!
