Well when I started this blog I said it would chronicle my adventures in T2T. Well at Friday's Garage sales, my car actually got hit. A man was backing up, and he never saw me, even though I laid on my horn he never stopped. I was stuck and with all the pedestrian traffic and other cars, I couldn't move out of his way. So bump went our bumpers. Fortunately there was minimal damage, Just a scuff that I can buff out, so we both went on our way. And I'm glad because this was a great garage sale. I picked up most of this stuff there.

See anything you like, just drop me a note. Flower frogs and black chalkware couple are sold.

Anyone know what this adjustable book stand is actually called? It's going on Ebay this week

More china for more swags.

These old tags are in their original bags

Lucky key find

Free wood from a different sale

What a great table, destined to be white, picked up at another sale.
It was a great Garage sale day and came with a story. Can't beat that.
Margo - I have a friend who collects florist frogs, and have emailed her the link to your blog so she could see the ones you just got - maybe she'll want to buy them! Sorry about your bumper episode - not fun!
Great finds! Glad your car wasn't too damaged.
See ya soon.
So sorry you had a little fender bender Margo. Glad that there wasn't much damage.
Love all your great finds.
That book holder, kind of looks like some kind of an easel.
It was so much fun hanging out with Jamie. We are going to do it again in a couple of weeks.
Have a good week,
Great Scores!! Luv all those keys; are U sure U want to paint that table? I also luv that thing looks like a photo/card holder! You make me so anxious for garage-sale season here in Ohio!!
I have to say I have seen a lot of yard sale fender benders in my time! Great finds!
Hi Margo. Sorry to hear about your fender-bender. Those candy tins would look nice on my mantle!
hey Margo - you hit the jackpot. I love that table. I also love those little "mammy" things. What are they? I can't see em too well. Whatever they are, I like them. I've been looking for a Mammy toaster cover like my momma had.
Sorry to hear about the "jelly bean". Hopefully it doesn't look like someone took a little bite out of it! Vickie
Margo ~
You found some wonderful treasures !! I love to see all of the goodies you make with everything ~
You got some really great stuff and your cabinet is turning out so nice!
I'm so glad your crash was a minor one.
Hey Margo, congrats again on making CH; I finally got my issue and saw your article. How much are both frogs? Thanks, T
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