I did pick up some really neat stuff this past weekend. I really only hit 1 good sale, but it was good enough for me to feel that I was done for the weekend.

I found this great old trunk

And these beautiful doll parts. Just look at her shoes and those painted fingernails
These are for sale, if interested just drop me a note.

And being the "former" fiesta collector that I am. I spotted these beauties. None of them are perfect but I got all of these for $17.00 and can easily make that plus some back by selling a couple of them. I may keep the yellow and large green bowl for awhile though.
I also picked up a pair of old roller skates and a few other things at this same sale. Had to get out of there before I spent all my money.

Look at this cute snail that I picked up for my Garden. they are at Hobby Lobby, and they have a cute turtle too. I know it's not T2T but I couldn't resist. It looks like it could be T2T though. I'm thinking about clock springs, I think I have one of those out in my stash. Hummmm, brain gears are turning.

And this is my current project. It's an old radio cabinet, and I'm turning it into a display case. I'll be painting it of course, and I need to get glass for the front, then light it up etc. I was going to paint today, but just ran out of steam. I'm ready for warm weather, and longer days.
See you all later,
Great finds there, girlfriend. Well - except for those doll parts - they freak me out. :)
That was one good sale! My niece uses her old radio cabinet to house a bunch of electronic equipment. It stays hidden, but because of the open back, she's able to use what's in there. I'll have to show her yours when it's had the Margo touch.
I can't wait to see your radio cabinet redone. I bought one very cheaply last year and I still have not done anything with it. It looks so much like yours! When I see yours I know I will be inspired to work on mine! Love your blog :)
Lady, lady...you are making me feel like such a slacker! We have our next sale on April 12th and I have soooo much to do.
I'm headed to the basement right now!
Thanks for them motivation.
Love all the goodies as usual!!
The doll parts are a little creepy though. Can't wait to see what you might do with those.
Ran out of steam???? I ran out with your first purchase... lol.. great finds... love that radio cabinet.
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