The contest is over, to see the complete calendar Click here
A Flash of Brilliance, if I do say so myself, hit me tonight as I was watering plants in my Junk Yard

I would love to do a Junk Calendar, as a matter of fact, I was talking to a friend about this very subject yesterday. It would need to have 12-13 nice photographs and nobody wants to just have pictures of my junk staring at them for 30 days each month. Then it hit me, Have readers submit photo's of junk for the Calendar. I'm doing this on the fly here, so be patient with me.
I would like all of you budding photog's out there to set up and take your best
picture (s) of junk, either in an interesting setting or being used as decor, inside or out.
It would be fun to have some seasonal settings as well.
According to the calendar publishers.
The resolution of digital images is determined at the time the picture is taken. To achieve sufficient resolution, you’ll need at least a 2 Megapixel camera set to the highest resolution (a 1600 x 1200 pixel setting is perfect). Do not crop the photo as this will decrease the picture quality. And Photo's need to be in "landscape" format. That means side-ways not up and down.
It's up to you to figure all of that out. Then I will need you to email me the photo, but keep a copy on your hard drive, because I'm going to print them, and then delete them from my inbox or they'll fill it up due to their size. Then I'll choose the winners from the submitted entries, and order the calendars. Winners only will be notified and will receive a calendar, at cost, from me.
Other calendars will be available for sale at a reasonable price as soon as I can get them. Sorry I can't give the calendars away, but I'm not independently wealthy:(
Now for dates, like I said I'm figuring this out on the fly.
Submit your pic by Oct 25th. I've set up a special email account just for this it's
I'll make the choices by Nov 1 and notify the winners.
The winners will then need to re-send me the photos at the resolution mentioned above and I'll order the calendars. As soon as I receive them, I'll let you all know.
Winners can then purchase them for cost and others can purchase them for slightly more.
Your name will be just under your picture. as well as your web site, or blog address, and a general mention of the subject of the picture.
By submitting a photo you are giving me permission to use it on this calendar.
If I do not get at least 6 entries, I may cancel the whole thing.
The calendar will also have the dates of big shows and flea markets, throughout the year, marked. If you know of some great flea markets that need to be noted, please send the info to me. I'll have Canton of course, the Junk Bonanza, I'm gonna look up the dates for Marberger and Round Top as well as the longest yard sale dates, and Hwy 80 sale dates. Any others?
Well what do you think? Are you in? Go out and compose a great photo with junk and I can't wait to see them.
Add this button to your side bar to promote this contest. Just Copy & Paste the following HTML code as a gadget on your side bar.

AND----I have another great contest that I will be announcing around the 25th.
This one has a great prize and will be lots of fun. It will incorporate a show-n-tell. Can't wait to share that with you.
Happy Picture taking
Great idea, Margo! I'm in! I'll be searching my photos and/or taking new ones to submit!
P.S. It should be simple for the printer to put the names on the photos or to list them on the back page, etc. This can also easily be done in PhotoShop.
That's a cool idea. I'm going to considering this seriously. Even though I'm not a great photographer, I have a lot of junk. :D
"be" considering....gheesh...I got too excited.
That's a great idea Margo.. all the best!
Every year I say I am going to do a calendar.. the subjects always change from drawings, to families, to 20 somethings y.o., 30 something y.o.,to projects & the likes.... Never did any, but there is always tomorrow... God willing.. LOL
Again - all the best!
I'm sure I have a couple photos in my bag of junk! Are you thinking seasonal? Like junk in snow, junk at the beach, junk in the rain, blooming junk...
Can't wait to get on it!
Margo, this is a great idea! However, since I work in the publishing industry, I suspect that you will need to provide digital files (rather than printouts) to the publisher if you want to get the best quality (and that may be the ONLY way they'll take them). Publishers usually need them in their original format. You also might need to check whether they need to be jpg, gif, or tiff format.
When you get them, you'll probably need to check them to make sure they're the right size and DPI. We get lots of great-looking photos for our newspaper that we can't use because of the DPI.
I've got lists of smaller regional shows on the east coast that I'll send you, along with some photos. If you need more advice, from an art director, just holler!
Sue, I will be providing digital files, this company has done some printing for me before and is pretty good. It's all a new experiment for me and I hope it comes out nice.
Thanks for the advise.
Love the idea Margo! Now I will have to look around and see what I can come up with. Glad your junk sale went well, wish I could have been there.
What a great idea!!
I think that is a great idea! I'll have to try to get some pics together.
Very cool idea! I'll look through my pics and maybe take some new ones to see what I could come up with!!
I can't be sure how I found your blog, but, I am sure that I like this contest idea! I have added your button and am perusing junk photos now. ~Mindy
This IS a brilliant idea! I'll look through my photos and may give it a shot.
Been outta town and no internet:(!
We're in and we have added your botton to our site! Do you EVER sleep, girl? Will start digging through photos and Will be looking for arch. letter for you also.
Take care,
Finally got the information added to my sidebar...
Hope that you have lots of entries!
I've got to figure out if my camera qualifies.
Ok, Margo, count me in. You can see all or any of photos on or my blog of course.
What a super fab idea! A few of my photos are on the way to your in-box.
i would love to try and get a good picture!!! maybe my giant tinman with some recylced roosters , or my junk art creatures... ....i have some window cupboards too.
what a great idea.......
Oh missed this one. Maybe next time. I've thought of this also funny. Great idea. Denise
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