Being sick slows me down, and makes my life come to a screeching stop. There is so much to do, and no energy to do it. But I am so bless though, in that I know this is temporary. Every time I get sick, it makes me appreciate feeling normal. There-I'm done complaining
Karin has not responded to claim her bag. If I don't hear from her by this evening, I will draw another name.
Stay tuned.
I feel I have been sick since school started!! My son has brought EVERYTHING home!! Hope you feel better soon!!
Margo, I'm just getting over being sick! I had it for a month and it's no fun. Hope you feel better soon.
PS I'm crossing my fingers (figuratively) on the bag (though I'll feel bad for Karin if she doesn't respond). Talked to Ki and I guess that particular bag is one of a kind (at least for now). So congrats to whoever gets it.
Hi Margo-
Feel better soon, it's good you're listening to your body and resting. I left work again today to pick up my sick son! He just battled cancer, so feeling sick to him is a piece a cake! I'll keep my fingers crossed on the bag!!!
Make some chicken soup-Krista :)
Hang in there, girl! Rest, rest, rest!
Feel better, Margo. I'm rooting for Karin to show up before she misses out on that great win!
Sorry you're feeling so bad. :(
I loved seeing & talking to you last week at the sale . . . hmmmm . . . you aren't contagious, are you?
Get better!
:) Debi
Hope you feel better soon!
Hope you feel better soon!
Unlike Vee, I am not rooting for Karin. If there is another drawing, I have another chance at winning. he he he Feel better soon! ~Mindy
Hope you are feeling better!
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