Sunday, August 15, 2010

First the Finds

I take it from your comments that you wanna see the goods first, so here we go.
click any pic for a larger view

And this doesn't even show the 2 great industrial pieces I don't have yet, and all the jewelry bits.

This is us trying to fit it all in, and this is just day 1.

Tomorrow pics of the fun, loading unloading, and snow cones


julie & joe said...

Wow!!! Love the metal horse toy and the child's metal rocking chair!!!!

Vickie said...

W.O.W. Margo - you made a HAUL! I'm looking forward to see what all you come up with!

clustres said...

Yes, that metal horse toy is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Margo, you gals picked up some loot!! It's amazing that all was in that trailor! You'll find alot of uses for that bakers rack!

Texas Junque Slinger said...

Looks like toooooo many goodies... you may have overdosed..... what a good way to overdose of wonderful junque.....

After seeing your post earlier in the week.... I wanted to load up and make a trip to AK....

Glad you got such goodies.


Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

Hi Margo, that would be so much fun going to all those sales, but I don't think I could take the heat! I love the metal horse and the bakers rack! So glad you found so many goodies!!! Blessings~~~ Daphne

Gracie's Cottage said...

Wow...the baker's rack and the green chair are my favs, but what a great bunch of stuff you found!


Vintage and Company said...

The horse is the best!!!

Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

Looks like "Our Kansas" was very fruitful! I can't imagine how much that hair dryer might fry your hair.

Shabby Vintage Junk said...

Oh Margo I am a DARK shade of green down here.... :o) !!!

The horse is DIVINE & actually looks like an English Mobo....DO you know anything about it....?

You lucky, lucky, LUCKY JUNKER....!!!

Tamarah :o)

Beth said...

Girl- you find the coolest junk !

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