Friday, August 27, 2010

Found Around-Friday-Drawers

I'm going to start a new feature on my blog and I'm calling it "Found Around-Friday". I'll be showing links to cool re-purposed articles that I've "Found Around" the web, hence the name :). It may not be every Friday but I'll always feature them on a Friday.

To start with look at these great dressers I found on

The builder starts with old drawers and builds boxes around them making a new, unique, fun and funky dressers. And you all know I looooove fun and Funky.

What a fun idea I give it an A+ for repurposing, uniqueness, functionality, and beauty.

You can read the complete article and see more pictures here
But don't forget to leave me a comment first, I loooove comments :)


Shabby Vintage Junk said...

Morning Margo....!

I hope this note finds you well lovey....! What a FAB idea....You have me thinkinbg of yet ANOTHER project....hahahahaha....Heaven only knows I probably have ENOUGH drawers to make a really neat looking sideboard....!

Cheers for now,
Tamarah....18 Days to go.... :o) !!

Angela said...

I think that is wonderful!! I love old drawers...what a great thing to do with them!

Michelle said...

Wow! I am loving the repurposed dresser. It looks to have many more drawers than a standard dresser.....just what every woman needs!

Jill said...

oh, these are great!

Vee said...

Hi Margo! That idea is really cool, but it is a bit more than I could handle. I suppose, though, that it would depend on the piece. For example, my favorite is the second piece if it were not painted in such widely varying colors. I'd rather allow the architecture to be the star rather than the color. Great idea for a new segment...looking forward to seeing what else you find.

Beth said...

I 'heart' features...and Found Around Friday's sounds like a winner. What a eye catching project.

soggybottomflats said...

It is interesting, the drawers. I saw a blog a few days ago with a similar set up with the drawers. She made a quilt in that pattern! Very cool. Thanks for sharing, Elaine

reprise vintage said...

how fun and unique! thanks for sharing!

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