In true Oprah fashion, I've compiled a small "Margo's Favorite" list.
There are a few things I've received or purchased or done that have enhanced my life or just plain bring me joy and I want to share them with you. So here goes.

Suggested to me by an acquaintance, I bit the bullet and got this handy item. It has changed my floor cleaning life. A little expensive for a mop but well worth it in the time it will save you. I got the mop with the cleaner attached as it was the same price as buying the mop and cleaner in a spray bottle. Advise, get extra pads, and see if you can get the wool dust sweeper pad as well. I was lucky enough to find some extra pads at a garage sale. Use a coupon and purchase at Bed Bath & Beyond for savings. If you have lots of floors like me, this is a fabulous item to have.


Enough Said
Favorite Candle

My favorite brand of candle is Circle E and my favorite fragrance is Bird of Paradise.
The best price I've seen for these candles locally is at Our Little Corner, I need to get another BOP as this one is about gone. The first time I discovered Circle E candles was at an estate sale. Sometimes estate homes can smell unpleasant. The candle they had burning in one room, could be smelled throughout the whole house and was such a pleasant smell, I was hooked.
Favorite Junking Moment

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Hi and - Merry Christmas!!!
I love the Bird of Paradise scent. Circle E candles have a good strong scent and long burn time.
Like most everyone who loves candles, I'm always searching for candles with a stronger scent and longer burn time. A few months ago I ran across Country Heart candles and placed a small order. It's rare for me to be so blown away that I can't wait to share my discovery with everyone. This is one of those discoveries!
The 12 oz Forever Candle (refills) is 5.99 - 120 scents to choose from. I know it sounds impossible - I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen/experienced it myself, but I get as much burn time from 12 oz Forever Candle as I do from the 40 oz Circle E - and the scent is much much stronger than Circle E.
side note - I'm not employed by nor am I related to anyone at Country Heart candles. I've just been so impressed with the quality of their candles that I want to share my discovery.
Merry Christmas Margo!
I think my favorite of yours are the racks and the ceramic number. Very stylish!
Yes, Circle E candles are great!
Have a wonderful time with your beloveds!
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