New web site name:
Hello fellow junkers, in an effort to get myself a trademark and a better web address I've changed the name of My website to The RoboJunker Journal, and I've purchased the domain You can still get to my site the same way that you have been, but now I have a cool new name.
You can also get to the site by typing Either way gets you to the same place. Woo Hoo!!!!!
Watch for great RoboJunker items coming soon.
I've been working a lot in the Barn trying to get ready for the Sale. It's real hard when I can't put everything out the way I want it right now, but I'm making progress. There is just some stuff I don't want out there, because I don't want it to get dirty. It's just too early. Then there are the Garage Sale items. My plan is to separate out the GS stuff from the BS stuff. I'll have lots of signs directing people inside the barn where the "good stuff" will be. I spent some of my time today, just arranging, pricing and trying to cover up the yuck that exists in any storage place. Ladders, Propane tanks, Gas cans, lumber... well you get the idea, I even have a whole spool of barbed wire out there, left by the previous owners. A lot of what is out there was left by the previous owners, and I think by the owners before them.
Well I'm sure I'll have it all figured out by the time of the sale, I'm just getting anxious. Maybe I'll post some pics tomorrow, I'm still not happy enough with the way it looks though yet.
I love the new name. It's cool.
Can't wait to see your pictures.
love your website - such great ideas!
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