A few things you do not see in everyday, unless you live in Paris. Top, These billboards are everywhere in Paris, The Green fountain fills your water bottles. Self Cleaning Toilettes, Taxi Call Box, and recycle machines I call them Pods.
Below some landmarks and architecture
Artists and Street Performers and other fun stuff.

See Also Red Shed Blog for more pics.
Awe... Paris...you lucky girl :)
Can't wait to see your finds.
ok,how lucky and I'm the first one to comment.I will say love the idea of showing Real to us,and how interesting many other big cities should think about that. I feel like many things happen in Europe and then Spread across the Pond so to speak. Example ASCP one of the best paints I have ever used for the ease of working with out tons of the work before hand. I check your blog from a friend who does to. We both like it Marta,for the love of Junk. Me a newbie on Blogging I will get better with time. Congrat's on the trip and soak up all the memories....Kathryn
What a fabulous tour of Paris. Thanks so much
Margo your pics are GORGEOUS....Love....LOVE....L-O-V-E the pics of the buildings & signage....I am GREEn with envy Dow here.... :o) !!!!!
I just got back! Have you checked out the little shop called "Cappucine" in the 12th? It is cute, small and well priced (a little vintage/used shop.) Also, check out the brocante at Place D'Aligre-it is tiny, but I've some great stuff cheap there. Happy shopping!
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