Tuesday, March 5, 2019

March, In Like a Lion, Out like a Lamb

As I was looking at my March Calendar, compared to my February calendar, I saw a blank slate of possibilities, with the thought what does March have in store  for me?  

March, to me is a month of renewal and healing. New life and new beginnings. 

When I was a teenager, I had one of the worst cases of Mono my doctor had ever seen. From Mid February to March I was bed ridden and so sick I could barely breath, couldn't talk, and was delirious from various medicines all designed to make me feel better, Yeah right.

My parents both worked. Mom would shorten her day as much as possible, but I spent many hours alone in my bed staring at my posters, and just simply sleeping.  It was horrible and lonely, I saw no friends for the entire time, and missed my life terribly. I even missed school.

As I began to feel better Spring was in the air, the sun came out, and we could go outside again.
I felt like a new person, reborn, and healthy. Ready to take my life by the reigns, hang out with friends, and jump and run again.

As an adult, I tend to get the doldrums in late Jan-February, as cold cloudy days stuck indoors, take their tole on me. 

But as I enter March, I see hope, Spring is coming, and with it all the things I enjoy so much.

Longer days, Flowers, Gardening, Flea Markets, Garage Sales, Travel, and most importantly Health.

So come on March.... Do your thing and bring me sunshine. 
But I'm not ready for Texas Summer just yet.

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