And I hope that you have a wonderful day with the ones you love.
I was able to hit an estate sale this morning and I picked up a box of fabric,
Just because it looked so vintage. When I showed it to the manager at Old City Mall, she informed me that they were feed or flour sack material. I think they are just wonderful, Take a look.

Just look at those wonderful graphics. I've listed these wonderful fabric lots on my ebay this week if you are interested.
Somehow I associate those flour sacks with my grandmother. (I think people used to make children's clothing and quilts with that material, too. Way before my time, you understand!)
great find, Margo!
I still haven't had a chance to get to the mall to see your booth - maybe next week. There just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done!
Thanks for the roses Margo.
Love the feed/flour sacks.
I love the flour sacks. The grocery store in my small hometown still sells flour that way. Makes me just want to buy a 10 lb bag of flour!
I posted pictures of my tea cart wheels on my blog along with a little link back to your blog. Hope you don't mind!
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