Well my need for junk was not fulfilled, so I headed to a couple of my favorite places. At one I found this great item in the back room.

And at the last place I picked up these 2 screen doors, a 2 pain window,

and this great old cabinet door

I've already got a project planned out for it. It's missing it's top glass and one of the arched pieces, but I think I can work around that.
All in all it turned out to be a great junking day.
Looks like some great stuff!
Have a great weekend!
You always find great stuff and I can't wait to see what you make. BTW-a very belated congrats on the magazine publication. I still haven't gotten my April issue--grr, grr, double grr! I hate it when the magazine is in the stores before I get it in the mailbox. We seem to operate on the pony express still here in Montana!
Okay, I'm getting tired of you finding all this neat junk without me! Get the guest room ready! While I'm there, I'll have to swipe some of those faucet handle turner things from you. 'Waay too cute!
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