Yuck, I'm busy working on taxes. I'm a bookkeeper by trade "the real job", so all my ducks are in a row. But I still hate filling out the "organizer" for the CPA. She makes it really easy, just fill in a number on this line and that line. But I have to go and find those numbers. I've put if off about as long as I can, and tonight was my "tax" night. I'll finish it up tomorrow at work for the business stuff, and then off to the CPA by Friday. Yea, something off my list. I encourage all of you to really look at your taxes and pay attention to that line that tells you how much you have paid in throughout the year. Most people's taxes are taken out through payroll deductions and they really don't pay attention, especially if they are getting a refund.
But I encourage you to look this year, digest that number, and think about what it really means.
I want to say a little something about my facebook account. I've decided that I want to keep my junking life and my personal life separate. I'm planning on reserving my facebook account for Family and personal friends, not related to junking. So if you send me a friend request for facebook I will probably not approve it. Please don't take this personally, I'm just trying to keep that for making contact with other people in my life, you know "the inner circle of loved ones". The other thing is that I have made the decision not to get political on this blog (except for the taxes statement above ;) , however, I may on my facebook, make my political or religious feelings known. My friends and family can handle that, afterall, they know me. So please don't feel disrespected if I don't approve you as a Facebook Friend. You are all my friends here.
Now for my weekend project:
I was inspired by Margaret's collages to try one of my own, and here it is.

I'm not a papercraft person, but this project was so much fun. I encourage you to try one. Gather up your bits and pieces and create away.
Basic ingredients
Old Frame
Wood or foam core board for the backing
old magazine, book, music, pretty floral paper
misc junk
Decopage medium, and various glues
Have fun, show your creations
I like your project! You did a great job! ~Mindy
Your project turned out great. And I totally respect your decision about facebook. Personally I think facebook is getting way out of hand but I'm probably just getting old and not "with it".
Oh I've been hearing a lot about this taxes thing...
Your collage is wonderful and rivals anything I've seen.
Love it, you would never know this was your first try!!! Taxes, I am not ready to even go there yet!!
Tootles, janna
Margo, thanks for the sweet comments on our blog. I'm glad they do look better at home than in the truck. Yeh, taxes are something we are all going to have to think seriously about soon. Your collage is great.
Gorgeous Margo!
Good for you to keep your personal to yourself & family/friends with Facebook - I still don't understand how "personal" even is a word in today's computer driven world where we post so much online.
Regarding taxes -- all I would say is that when I look at that line...and I do, and I also lobby on Capitol Hill on behalf of children & families (yea, I'm one of those Social Welfare people and a Educational Administrator by trade)--- I see it as my Civic Duty. That's all.
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