In true Oprah fashion, I've compiled a small "Margo's Favorite" list.
Now since I'm not a stuff person, this is hard, but here goes.
Favorite Sweet Snack

My husband is to blame for this one. He's got himself addicted to the flavored popcorn offered by our local Popcorn Junction. My fav is the vanilla. The coating is crispy, and as you bite into the popcorn, the corn part melts and the outside stays a bit crispy for a split second before the whole thing melts in your mouth. OH Me Oh My!!!
Favorite Chocolate Snack

Enough Said
Favorite "how did I live without it" item

Tomboy tools has these great tool belt aprons. I use mine to keep all my booth pricing supplies in. Scissors, tape, tags, string, labels etc. All close at hand. And it's durable and washable.
Favorite Candle

My favorite brand of candle is Circle E and my favorite fragrance is Bird of Paradise.
The best price I've seen for these candles locally is at Our Little Corner, I need to get another BOP as this one is about gone. The first time I discovered Circle E candles was at an estate sale. Sometimes estate homes can smell unpleasant. The candle they had burning in one room, could be smelled throughout the whole house and was such a pleasant smell, I was hooked.
Favorite Guy Gift

The is something else that DH brought home. This flashlight has several great and wonderful features. First, it's LED which means it's super bright. Next, it's rechargeable, No batteries.
It can be sat on a table or surface and it stands by itself. Lastly it has a hook on the top. I've used this when carrying stuff to the barn in the dark. I'll just hook it on the box, like a headlamp and it works great. I don't have to carry the flashlight AND the box.

Favorite Project 2009

It's hard to pick a favorite, but I think one of my favorites at least are these lamps I make from old work lights. I've made several, I've kept them all. Work Light cages come in all shapes and sizes, and these are fun and functional lamps. The project is easy, I don't do any wiring, I just wrap the cord around the outside of whatever stand I use for the lamp.

Favorite Find 2009

Usually my favorite find is my most recent find. That is the case here. Last week I found this great old wash stand. White enamel legs, rusty patina top, all metal and oh so industrial. I love it as a coffee table. Now If my slip cover will just come in I can get that sheet off the couch.

Favorite Movie
Love this movie, and the back story is interesting too. It will make you happy & angry, It will make you cry, swoon, and in the end all the people make the right decisions. Not a family movie, but a great chick flick.
Favorite re-purpose decorating Book
2nd book from these authors, and I love it. Simple, industrial, repurposed. If you like cottage don't get this book. If you like a new country industrial clean look, you'll love it.
Favorite Junking Moment 2009
My Junking Adventure with Ki Nassauer

Favorite Blog Reader

You of course
what a cute post, Margo! I love your table, too. It's so YOU. Me, I'm a sucker for Reese's Pnut Butter cups and Kit Kats!
I love your post Margo!!!
Thanks for sharing about that book!
You know how much I love rust!!!
Merry Christmas!
Nice list. Always enjoy my visits here and am looking forward to more in the coming year.
Great post, Margo!
Wishing you and your family all the best in 2010!
Great list of favorites! I must say that the chocolate bar choice was a surprise as was the popcorn. You look more like a green pepper and carrot stick gal to me.
What a fun post...wish I had thought of it first!
I love the taste of popcorn and chocolate together....therefore I never buy either...have you seen me?
I still love your journals...that's my favorite of your projects.
Good job Margo - you and I have many things in common (especially the Dove). I love my Tomboy body pocket too. It comes in very handy when I'm a flea market vendor. (Thanks for the plug too.)
Best wishes for a junkin' good new year.
Loved the List! Now just have to find the popcorn! Happy Holidays!
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