Once upon a time a family piled into 2 cars and headed for the big city. The family had a tradition of coming together on Christmas eve that goes back to the 1950's. When this family left their home town, just 2 hrs away from their destination, the weather was clear with a slight drizzle.
For awhile all goes as planned, and then they run into this

Although this may not seem like much of a snow storm to many of you, to this family it was something to behold. Usually beautiful this snow was not, as they had to drive in it. Roads were quickly becoming frozen and traffic slowed to a crawl on the highway.

Since they were in 2 cars, the mommy of this family kept calling the oldest son to check on his status. Everyone was running late. They were supposed to reach their destination by 5:00 and it was now 5:30 with no end in sight.

After arriving at the first destination at around 6:30 and quickly swapping gifts the family headed to their second and final destination (or so they thought).

To add insult to injury it became quite clear that they would have to stay the night and wait for the weather and roads to clear. Thankfully there was room at the inn.
So after a fun filled, weeney roasting Christmas eve they headed for their lovely hotel rooms, to sleep the night away in the only clothes they had brought with them.
Waking up in a hotel room on Christmas day is not a lot of fun, but they were thankful for the slightly good night's sleep and headed out bright and early for brighter pastures and clearer skies. Fortunately the Sand Elves had sanded the bridges and overpasses and they arrived at home by noon.

Do we have Christmas dinner today or tomorrow the mother asked herself? And realizing that she wanted to get this over with she decided to cook the meal for dinner rather than lunch.
Once again this family came together, opened gifts, ate their feast and reflected on what would be the horrible holiday of 2009.

But in the tradition of counting our blessings it could have been worse, much worse.
No one died,
No car accidents,
We weren't stranded for more that overnight
Dogs did not freeze from being left outside all night
all was well in the end.
and this is The End of my story
Hope you had a good one, I'd like to forget this one actually. Nothing like sleeping in your clothes and waking up with no toothbrush to break the holiday spirit.
Wow! But you are so right on... in the whole scheme of things it could have been MUCH worse... here is to a wonderful New Year
It could have been much worse...there might not have been any room in an inn. Glad y'all made it home safely. Looks like somebody is doing a little rocking around the Christmas tree.
A Christmas to remember.... as time goes on, you guys will look back on it with fond memories. My biggest concern would have been for the dogs, too! I would not have slept a wink for worrying about them. Glad all was well!
She's a lovely girl and I'm sure that she realizes that it won't always be this way. This is a story that will get better with time for time is an excellent filter.
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