Monday, August 13, 2012

Flea Market Style issue Designations aka Nobody's perfect

Recently the publisher of Flea Market Style, graciously re-printed the Spring 2012 issue. We are always happy when they do that. It was an exact re-print, everything the same, Cover, content everything... But when I received my second shipment I noticed one little change. Just above the bar code, down near the bottom, it says "Fall". After a few inquiries I found out this is to designate to the merchandisers to display this issue through the Summer into Fall.
OK I thought "no big deal".

Spring/Fall 2012 cover

So for several months I've been dealing with the issue of people buying this issue thinking it is THE Fall issue. And now when I mail my Spring issue orders, I'm getting emails of people thinking this is the Fall issue, and wondering where their copy of the Spring issue is.

Skip forward to now...

To differentiate the actual Fall issue , the publisher has had to designate it as "Winter".

Fall/Winter 2012 cover

So to clear things up.
The Spring issue says Fall, and the Fall issue says Winter.... Clear as Mud???
The publisher has promised to make it less confusing next year. We don't change covers like many magazines, so remember the cover when you are looking for the newest issue.

Be sure to look for the Cow on the cover to be sure you are getting the newest issue.

I hope to get my order this week. Fingers crossed!!!!!!

Save on gas, time, and frustration by ordering the next issue of Flea Market Style by mail.

Now Available for Pre-Ordering the next issue (Fall/Winter 2012) of Flea Market Style Magazine.
Go Here for ordering information


vintage girl at heart said...

thanks for the heads up :)

Jane said...

Hi Margo,
I had a friend who bought the "fall" issue thinking she was getting the new fall magazine. She had already purchased the same magazine in the spring (she obviously didn't realize the cover was the same). She was asking me why the spring issue was the fall issue.....of course I didn't know why but now I can explain it to her. Thanks for the info.

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