Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Strange Case of the Floating Cabinet

 I have this fabulous Coats spool cabinet, and I was not using it. So I decided to move it into my craft room, but it was kinda big sitting on top of these file drawers.  To me it looked like it was floating on top, precariously at that.
 My solution was to cut some table legs to length and then just wedge them underneath. They are not even attached. Just held by friction between the cabinet and the floor. I think it solves the problem nicely, and makes the cabinet look like a piece of furniture.
 And below is the whole messy creative space. Creativity is messy.


Unknown said...

How smart are you!!! I would have never thought of that!!
It looks great.

AntiqueChase said...

that looks fantastic! now please attach them cause you're scaring me!

Margo said...

The metal cabinets below are actually holding the coats cabinet up. The legs are just ornamental.

Country Gal said...

Looks great to me ! Awesome idea ! Have a good day !

Shabby Vintage Junk said...

Indeed it IS Margo....**wink**....!!

LOVE your spool cabinet 'fix'....Trust you to come up with something so CLEVER....!!

Hope you're having a brilliantly CREATIVE week....!!!!!

Tamarah :o)

Shabby Vintage Junk said...

Indeed it IS Margo....**wink**....!!

LOVE your spool cabinet 'fix'....Trust you to come up with something so CLEVER....!!

Hope you're having a brilliantly CREATIVE week....!!!!!

Tamarah :o)

Vee said...

Terrific solution! It looks very good and it was easy. I love "easy."

Sheree said...

great idea.. i have a spool cabinet also and i was wondering what to do to make it useful..

Sheree said...
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Melissa said...

I love the cabinet! I saw a huge one at an auction once (still filled with 80 year old threads!) and regret not bidding on it.

Good idea with the legs.

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