First I wanna talk about this month's Country Home magazine. If you do not subscribe, and you like T2T, be sure to pick this one up.
If you'll read the editor's note on page 12 You'll see that they are changing up their format a little and it looks like it will be great for T2T-ers. With Before and Afters, and instruction for their project.
Now for the features, this issue is full of great articles. Starting on P 18 with Found Objects. The article starts out "one man's trash is another man's treasure" and it goes from there.
On page 23 the Nest feature has some great ideas for memory boxes you can make.
There is a feature on turning old pieces of furniture into Bathroom Sink cabinets, with instructions, p46. And a great trinket box project on p 50. Of courst Ki and Sue's section on p 86 has great laundry room ideas. There is an article on turning out buildings into living spaces on p114, with great pictures. The home featured on p142 has lots of T2T furnishings and great pictures. There is lots more so pick it up if you are so inclined.
Now onto the Resolution:
I don't know how many of you know that I made a resolution this year not to buy new stuff for a year. This is how my T2T got really jumpstarted, as I wanted to change my surroundings without spending money. We'll I need to amend the resolution a bit.
#1) Clothing doesn't count, Food and Makeup doesn't count.
#2) Longaberger and Fiestaware doesn't count (anyway, they are made in the good old USA)
#2) Supplies to make other items doesn't count (jewelry making supplies, T2T supplies, Paint etc)
#3) Support my fellow Bloggers.
Now I need to expound on this one a bit. Many of us bloggers have little businesses. We are struggling to get the word out about our products, and wonder if anyone knows we are out there. That said, There are several blogger items I would like to buy, but my resolution has prevented me from it. So now, I'm amending it to exclude made by bloggers and sold by blogger items.
#4) Books and magazines are excluded (with careful consideration)
#5) Antique store items are excluded (support your local merchants)
#6) Estate sale, thrift store items, and Garage sale items are excluded.
I guess the goal of my resolution was to avoid the "made in CH..A Cr.p) that is so plentiful out there. I'm amending that to Support companies that Mfg in America and inidividuals making their own items here in the blogosphere.
Plan of action:
1. When going to Walmart or Target etc. make a list and stick to it. These stores, especially Walmart have tricks to suck you into buying things you only think you want. Watch out for those colorful and cute displays.
2. Support fellow bloggers, I'm placing an order today.
3. Check if an item is made in America and then if it's quality and I want it. It's OK.
4. Always buy lemonade from the kid on the corner (support the developing entrepreneur)
Now that - I can live with.
Enjoy your day.
I love it!! Great choices.
I always buy the lemonade!!
I am very happy with the new format of Country home. I was thinking of letting my subscription run out, but won't now.
Great resolutions!
I like the way you think! Great list of things that don't count! LOL
Haven't had a chance to look over my copy of Country Home yet.
Margo, you're too funny, making amendments to your resolution almost nine months into the year! ROFLAO! Of course, I support you 100% but you forgot one other thing to include: medications!
Sher, No I think I'll take my meds used, LOL. Basically anything that is a consumable has to be bought new.
Yes I'm amending it 9 months in. But at least I didn't abandon it in February. :)
I SOOO agree with you!!!! In fact, there are very few things that the big stores have, that I need!!!! All I have to do is put out the word in Blog/Forumland that I need something, and someone finds it for me!!!! I am also pretty good with the garage/estate sales...and then there is the BARN sale that I know is coming up ;^)
And the maker of LOVELY jewelry that I know I can buy from!! (Thank you again!!)
Blessings to you all....amoungst us, we can make a difference....believe it!!
Jaybird, So glad you like the earrings, and yes I hear there will be a barn sale in September somewhere in Tyler Texas. Do you know anything about it???? ;)
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