This is a display in my cottage Corner at home. I've filled the basket with old keys, tassels and glass doorknobs. The pearls are cheepy ones, and the gloves were purchased at an ES. And of course books are one of the most ordinary things you can display.
This is a basket full of ordinary things. Let's see, old postcards, small picture frames, A roll of twine, and an old clock face, what else is in there??
How about filling a bowl or dish with Game pieces instead of candy or Potpourie.
Scrabble pieces, dominos, bingo numbers, jacks, dice, playing cards etc would all make nice displays just willy-nilly in a bowl.
I borrowed this idea from Tina at Cherry Hill Cottage. Now you can't get more ordinary than toilet Paper rolls
I have more of these display Budget ideas on my web page
So clear out those drawers, and see what you've got that you can display.
Visit the blogs on my side bar for more display ideas.
All of those things look great, the way that you placed them.
I love the look.
Love these ideas! :)
Wow I LOVE your site! Such wonderful ideas! Thanks for sharing your creativity. Cherry
what a fab idea, thanks
I rushed home and put my loose photo's in a big glass bowl that has a brass stand. DD wanted to know why....I informed her that RoboLady told me to!!! She looked a mite confused!!
Good for you Jaybird. Maybe she'll understand better around Christmas time. ;)
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