I wasn't going to go to Canton this month, but some friends of our wanted to go so we tagged along. I was the unofficial tour guide. My DH took his camera and shot lots of great photo's so I thought I'd share them with you. I had a lot of fun, No power shopping when with friends, but it was a treat to help them shop. Near the bottom is a great "what's it" for you.
Look at the size of this carnival wheel

Digging for treasures

Roger comes for the food, Oh and he got the hat too

On the phone with a friend, asking what size of keys she wanted.

Roger the Drummer, found him a drum


Notice one of my bags that I'm carrying. It was great for the flea market, and not as hot as a hip bag.

Ok, now you know what to do with old bed pans

I got a few of these beauties. The drawers not the bed pans :)

Here's the what's it. Any ideas? I know!

That was my Sunday afternoon. I had a great time with Roger and our Friends. Sometimes It's just fun to be silly at the flea market. You never know what you'll see.
Hey, I was there on Saturday. Had a great time. There were 6 of us that went. 3 went to the indoor and 3 of us stayed out in the "real" junk. I saw the drum--remembered that from my school days in the band. I got some goodies too--and some great ideas.
Hi Margo.looks like you had a good time at the flea market...maybe I will see you at Nita's sale.
Ceiling fan blades?
What a great day. I miss going to the flea market since I moved. There was a great one I enjoyed visiting in Monticello. Did you purchase anything besides a hat and some food?
Hmmmm, is it a candy cutter? Looks like you had fun and you HAVE to answer..it will drive me nuts!
Well I love your new hat!
We also went to a flea-market Sunday; had a great time. Came home with a vintage plant stand, a cool old orange metal stool and some other fun trinkets. Like seeing your new bag 'in action'! Not sure what you mean by a hip bag but you could tie yours around your waist for more-of-a hip bag. ? just a thought.
I have no idea what that object is! All I know is that I sure miss Texas when you show fun photos like that!
I love the wheel! I have kinda a thing for game wheels. Could it be a fancy packing tape cutter from a store?
is it one of those thingys that you use to roll up newspaper into 'logs' for burning?
margo- i'm going to guess it 's some sort of roller.. possibly for tobacco...cigar roller? michele j. www.redshedonline.com we missed you at the last sale. hope we see you in december!
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