I'm still working on getting my office just right. I took the advise offered of using clip boards instead of a cork board, and I love it.

Not only is it tidy, but it was also cheaper than buying a new cork board.
I love flash cards, and found these 2 very appropriate for my life, at work.

Remember that starburst I made out of piano keys awhile back?
Well It was really too large to sell (ship) so I got the idea of cutting it in half and placing it above my little window in my office.

One of the guys at work said it make him think he wanted to try and play something on it. It's very appropriate since 1/2 of our business is building and designing synthesizers (see those big machines in the room next to mine through the window?) those are synthesizers. And you can see my gear art in the reflection.
It's getting there, still needs a few finishing touches, but I'm happy so far. No more identity crisis.
The clipboards are great. They add a nice design element. And the starburst is business themed. Good stuff. ~Mindy
Looking good! I have an idea for clipboards, well nothing really new, but I am working on something with them. Also, your house was really quite stylish for the 80's--love the curtains Ü.
Good job on the office, love the star burst window topper and of course the clip boards!
Very impressive, Margo!
Love the clipboard idea and the starburst is fabulous!
I am really liking your office...The piano thing is very cool! Clipboards are great! What does your hubby think?
Your site is always so bright and perky with great ideas and craftmanship. Thanx for sharing your experiences.
Love the sunburst. Great finds at Canton. That snake walking stick really gives me the creeps. It is too realistic.
I love your office!!! The clipboards look great - and the starburst is fantastic! And you got an enid collins...I am so jealous!!!
:-) robelyn
I like how your office is coming along......
Love the clip board idea, too. A friend painted hers various colors as an index of sorts. Hey, it makes sense to her and that's all that matters!
That is really cool. I saw something similiar to hang art using wood pants hangers -- looked awesome too and easy to hang artwork from the wood pieces that "clip" together........they can also be painted to suit the room's need of color etc..............
I love your site and come often to it for inspiration and motivation when I am in a lull or need some mental stimulation in general. I have loved junk and trash since I was a kid and am now 46. Interesting how repurposing ideas and curbside rescue ideas that were looked down upon year back are now considered "green actions".
Thanks for being down to earth-- we need more people in this world like you with which to commiserate! :)
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