This means we are close...
Sure does make me wonder what's inside
Note, if you are not seeing the NEW cover, please refresh your browser.
Save on gas, time, and frustration by ordering the next issue of Flea Market Style by mail.
Now Available for Pre-Ordering the next issue (Fall/Winter 2012) of Flea Market Style Magazine.
Go Here for ordering information
Go Here for ordering information
Oh, I can't wait!!
Isn't that the Spring cover, though?
Shara, you should be seeing a cover with a table and cow chart on the back wall. If not, then please refresh your browser.
It's the new cover now. Sorry. We carry FMS at the flea
Market where
I work and I have been looking at the Spring issue forever
Looking forward to the Fall issue!
Love the magazine! Is there any way to get a proper subscription so I dont have to order each copy individually? I would be willing to pay 2 years I advance to guarantee I dont miss an issue!
mishelby, I've been trying to figure out a good way to do this and keep track of 1 yr subscriptions. The publisher is not planning on offering subscriptions because it's a twice a year magazine. As an individual seller, I think the paperwork would be a nightmare and so I'll have to keep offering them as they are published. There would be no way to do a price break or anything as I mail via First Class and cannot use bulk mail. Sorry, Margo
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